Returning to work after sick leave
No one is immune to a deterioration in health, especially mental health. The resulting sick leave is an ordeal that adds to the stigma attached to mental health problems in the workplace. What happens during sick leave? How and when do the various players interact?
The key stages of a long-term absence in comics
To better understand the mechanisms and issues involved, the Centre de recherche et Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (IUSMM) has created a comic strip tracing an employee’s journey from sick leave to return to work, as well as the different players and their roles.
Through Alex’s story, you’ll discover all the key stages of a long-term absence. From diagnosis and recovery to self-care and a gradual return to work, this comic strip illustrates the importance of appropriate, multidisciplinary support during sick leave.
Source: Corbière M., Mazaniello-Chézol M., Auclair MJ. (2022). The process of returning to work following sick leave. Research Chair in Mental Health and Work. Center de recherche et Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (IUSMM). Montreal, QC. pp. 72